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Let’s Talk About Risk Factors Of Throat Cancer

Cancer of the throat, voice box, or pharynx is a dangerous disorder that is often referred to as laryngeal or pharyngeal cancer. ENT Doctor London emphasise on prompt diagnosis and treatment of throat cancer because it may result in serious health issues. Although throat cancer can arise in anyone, several risk factors make it more likely to do so. To spread awareness and encourage early identification, we shall examine the numerous risk factors connected to throat cancer in this blog.

Tobacco Smoking:

Tobacco usage, which includes smoking cigarettes, cigars, and pipes, and using smokeless tobacco products, is one of the major risk factors for throat cancer. The damaging substances in cigarette smoke can injure the cells protecting the throat and raise the possibility of developing cancer. Furthermore, the heat produced by smoke may instantly agitate and injure the throat’s fragile tissues.

Alcohol Consumption:

Another proven indication of risk for throat cancer is regular and excessive alcohol use. Alcohol consumption can alter throat cells, increasing their propensity to develop cancer. Use of tobacco and alcohol together can increase the risk of throat cancer, making this combination extremely risky.

Human Papillomavirus:

The incidence of throat malignancies due to HPV infections has significantly increased in recent years. A common sexually transmitted virus called HPV has the potential to alter throat cells and eventually cause cancer. Safe sexual behaviour and HPV vaccination can lower the risk of contracting HPV and potential throat cancer.

Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD):

Chronic acid reflux is a symptom of GERD, which may damage the mucous membrane of the throat and raise the risk of throat cancer. Acid can harm cells and induce inflammation, which over time may result in malignant alterations. This risk can be reduced by treating GERD with medication and lifestyle changes

Occupational Exposure:

The risk of carcinoma of the throat has been found to be higher in specific jobs that expose workers to asbestos, nickel, sulphuric acid mists, or other hazardous materials. Similarly, breathing in second-hand smoke and contaminants from the environment may raise the risk of developing cancer.

Age and Gender:

Age is a risk factor for throat cancer, with most cases being discovered in people over 55. Additionally, men are more likely than women to acquire throat cancer. However, younger people, including both men and women, have greater rates of throat cancer linked to HPV.

Although gender and age, which are two risk factors for carcinoma of the throat, cannot be altered, there are preventative steps people can take to lower their risk. The risk of throat cancer can be reduced by abstaining from tobacco and excessive alcohol use, engaging in safe sexual activity, eating a healthy diet high in fruits and vegetables and continuing to lead a healthy lifestyle. Learn more about throat disorders and get the right diagnosis at ENT Clinic London.

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