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Menopause Mandate: Why Peri/Menopause Should Be Included in the NHS Over 40s Health Check

Menopause Mandate: Why Peri/Menopause Should Be Included in the NHS Over 40s Health Check

Menopause is a natural part of aging for women, yet it remains a topic often shrouded in misunderstanding and stigma. As women approach their 40s, they enter the perimenopausal phase, which can bring a variety of symptoms and health challenges. Despite its significant impact on women’s health, menopause is not currently included in the NHS over 40s health check. At Gynae Expert, we believe it’s time for a change. Including peri/menopause in these health checks is not only beneficial but essential for comprehensive women’s healthcare.

Understanding Perimenopause and Menopause

Perimenopause is the transitional period leading up to menopause, where a woman’s body begins to produce less oestrogen. This phase can start as early as a woman’s mid-30s but is more commonly experienced in the 40s. Symptoms can include:

Menopause is confirmed when a woman has gone 12 consecutive months without a menstrual period. While this marks the end of menstrual cycles, the symptoms can persist and significantly impact a woman’s quality of life.

The Case for Including Menopause in the NHS Over 40s Health Check

  1. Early Detection and Management: Including menopause in the NHS over 40s health check would facilitate early detection and management of symptoms. Early intervention can help mitigate severe symptoms, improve quality of life, and reduce the risk of long-term health issues such as osteoporosis and cardiovascular disease, which are associated with decreased oestrogen levels.
  2. Comprehensive Health Care: Women’s health is multifaceted, and a comprehensive health check should address all significant stages of a woman’s life. By including menopause, the NHS can provide a more holistic approach to women’s health, ensuring that women receive the care and support they need during this critical phase.
  3. Raising Awareness and Reducing Stigma: Including menopause in routine health checks would help normalise the conversation around it. Increased awareness and understanding can reduce the stigma associated with menopause, encouraging more women to seek help and support without feeling embarrassed or misunderstood.
  4. Personalised Healthcare: Menopause affects each woman differently. A tailored approach to menopause management can be developed through regular health checks, addressing individual symptoms and health risks. This personalised care ensures that women receive the most appropriate treatments and lifestyle advice.
  5. Support for Mental Health: Perimenopause and menopause can have significant psychological impacts, including anxiety, depression, and mood swings. Regular health checks that include menopause would allow for the identification and management of these mental health challenges, providing women with the necessary support and resources.

Gynae Expert: Supporting Women Through Menopause

At Gynae Expert, we are dedicated to providing comprehensive care for women at all stages of life. We offer specialised services to support women through perimenopause and menopause, helping manage symptoms and maintain overall health. Our team of experienced professionals understands the unique challenges that menopause presents and is committed to providing compassionate and effective care.


Incorporating peri/menopause into the NHS over 40s health check is a necessary step towards comprehensive women’s healthcare. Early detection, personalised care, and increased awareness can significantly improve the quality of life for women experiencing menopause. At Gynae Expert, we are passionate about advocating for this change and supporting women through every stage of their health journey. It’s time to recognise the importance of menopause in women’s health and ensure it receives the attention it deserves in routine health checks.

For more information on how we can support you through perimenopause and menopause, visit Gynae Expert. Let’s work together to make menopause a priority in women’s healthcare.

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